In Memoriam Grace Elizabeth Bliss Smith (1943-2024)

Grace Elizabeth Bliss Smith, PhD <br />
SMDM Governor, 2016-2022
Grace Elizabeth Bliss Smith, PhD
SMDM Governor, 2016-2022

It is with heartfelt sympathy that I pass on this message about our past Governor, Dr. Grace Bliss Smith PhD, who passed away on June 19, 2024. Grace had been hospitalized for two weeks after a heart attack.

Grace was a retired educator and author. She joined the Society on June 7, 2006, under John Billington, with subsequent supplements for Elinor Billington, Francis Billington, John Howland, Joan Hurst, John Tilley, Elizabeth Tilley, and Richard Warren.

She faithfully served as Deputy Governor of Michigan, Newsletter Editor, Investment Committee member, and Governor of the Michigan Society. She represented the Michigan delegation at the national level during numerous General Board of Assistants and Triennial meetings as both Assistant General (AG) and as Deputy Governor General (DGG).

She created and maintained the Michigan Society’s first webpage, serving as webmaster for more than a decade. In recent years Grace has assisted the Society’s scholarship chair by judging scholarship applications.

Grace served the General Society on many committees including the Education Committee and the Meetings & Conventions Committee. She was a tireless promoter of the Mayflower Society and persuaded many people over the years to join the organization. She assisted prospective members with their genealogy research enabling them to prove their Mayflower Passenger lineage and join the Society.

Our Michigan Society was blessed by the poise, wit, and energy of Grace for nearly 20 years. She was a phenomenal woman who will be greatly missed.


Craig Rich
Governor, Society of Mayflower Descendants in Michigan