News & Events

Events Calendar

The Society of Mayflower Descendants in Michigan (SMDM) meets twice a year, in May and November.

May 17, 2025:

  • SMDM Spring Luncheon
    MSU Kellogg Conference Center, 219 S. Harrison Rd., E. Lansing, MI 48824
    11:30am Punch, and 12 Noon meeting.

Featured speaker at our Spring Luncheon will be Malka Benjamin, Director of Colonial Interpretation and Training at Plimoth Patuxet in Plymouth, MA. In her presentation, she will play the role of Alice Carpenter Bradford, second wife of Gov. William Bradford.

September 4-7, 2025:

  • GSMD General Board of Assistants Meeting
    San Antonio, TX - Registration opens March 1, 2025

November 8, 2025:

  • SMDM Compact Day Luncheon
    Bavarian Inn, Frankenmuth - 11:30am Punch and 12 Noon meeting

Mayflower Newsletter

Please view current newsletter: Winter 2024.
As a benefit of membership, members receive a printed copy of the Michigan Society's newsletter three times a year. A meeting reservation form is enclosed with the Spring and Fall newsletters. Members and prospective members with applications in process, are on our mailing list. If you have not received a newsletter, please contact Lydia Vierson.

If an email version of the newsletter is preferred, rather than the print version, please notify Membership Assistant, Lydia Vierson.

Note: The original newsletter contains names and contact information of our Michigan Society Board of Assistants. For privacy reasons, we have redacted the contact information on this public website. Contact information is published in the newsletter mailed or emailed to members.