If you'd like to sponsor a Junior Member, please contact Terri Kleinschmidt and complete the following forms:

Juniors are best described as the youngest descendants of Mayflower Pilgrims. They are forming their legacies through family involvement, educational information, and the dedicated leadership of Junior Chairs in Member Societies.
A study found that young people benefit from learning about their history. Knowing where they came from provides a perspective of their unique ancestral past and an insight into who they may become. Collectively, Mayflower Juniors are the future leaders of the Mayflower Society . . . and a sequel to our great history.
Youths between the ages of birth and eighteen may be sponsored by GSMD members in good standing and must be related by blood through the same ancestral line by which the General Society approved the sponsor. They are not General members, instead, they are considered Mayflower Juniors in the sponsors’ Member Society. Sponsors will be asked for a one-time fee of $10.00 with each application.
Juniors between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five may apply for GSMD Regular Membership in the Member Society in which the Junior is sponsored, keeping in mind that Juniors are removed at the age of twenty-five. As a sponsor, it would be extremely beneficial that your application remains updated to meet the current General Society requirements for the Junior to transfer to regular membership.
Junior Chairs are devoted volunteers and inspirational role models of Member Societies for our youngest descendants. Their titles may vary among Member Societies, but these individuals tirelessly share their talents through the work they do for Mayflower Juniors. Their volunteer duties are:
- To provide prospective sponsors with applications by email, postal mail, or at society meetings.
- To document each new Mayflower Junior.
- To maintain records of Juniors, including copies of applications, dates of membership, assigned numbers, and complete contact information for future communication with Juniors and sponsors.
- To mail certificates, welcome letters, books, and other keepsake materials to each newly admitted Junior.
- To communicate by email, postal mail, or phone calls, on birthdays or for Thanksgiving.
- To provide educational Pilgrim history to Juniors and sponsors through emails or postal mail, including documents provided by the Juniors Committee.
- To notify Juniors and sponsors of scholarship opportunities offered by The Mayflower Society, Member Societies, Pilgrim Family Societies, and colonies.
- To include Juniors in Society meetings such as assisting with the pledges to the flags, furnishing printed activities for various age groups, introducing sponsors and Juniors or enlisting Junior volunteers to prepare a trivia quiz for all attendees.